Venezia, 12 gennaio 1833
Venezia 12: del 1833
Due sole righe,
Pure la Norma chiama ogni sera della gran gente, ed il silenzio con cui l’ascoltano, e gli strepitosi applausi alla fine de’ pezzi, danno a vedere il piacere che desta nei cuori, e v’assicuro che se avessi avuto la compagnia della xxx mai visto. – La Manzocchi è stata scritturata per
Io vi lascio, perché la mia opera mi chiama. – Ricordatemi a v‹ost›ro fratello, nipote, Ottavio, e tutti i nostri amici in particolare alla fam:a Ninfo, Peranna, Gallo, e le monacelle: A Vergani i miei abb:ci come anche a mio cugino Bellini, se costì ancora si trova: voi cred:mi a tutte prove sempre
Il voro affs:mo A‹mic›o
Un milione di abb:ci al bravo amico Monteleone, e ditegli che mi ricordi all’intera sua famiglia. –
à Monsieur
Monsieur Philippe Santocanale
à Palerme
t.p. ven | 12 geno - 31 gen.o 1833
Venice, 12 January 1833
Vincenzo Bellini to Filippo Santocanale. Letter.
Aut. I-PLcom, 2 Qq E 100. One bifolio, two sides plus address on the verso.
Ed. Florimo 1882, pp. 403.404; Cambi 1943, pp. 331-332; Neri 2005, pp. 247-248.
Venice, 12 January 1833
Just a few lines, o dear friend, to give you an update regarding my health, which is on the verge of collapse from the enormous strain I'm already under by being forced to write this opera in so little time — and thanks to whom? to my usual and original librettist, the God of Sloth. I'm enclosing an article from the local newspaper on Norma, the performances of which have been sustained by Pasta alone, what with the tenor temporarily indisposed, or so he says — God willing it were only that! because everyone fears that this throat malady he has is beyond repair for now. -
Even so, Norma attracts large crowds every evening, and their reverent attention and resounding applause with the end of each piece show just how much they enjoy it. If I had only had the cast of La Scala, I can assure you this production would have made history, leaving its mark for many years to come, whereas this might well have been the greatest disaster I've ever had to face were it not for my sheer good fortune that the opera revolves entirely around the protagonist. - Manzocchi is performing in Vicenza where she's created quite a sensation, proven by the fact that as soon as Padova caught wind of it they engaged her to sing in their theatre, I believe in September. -
I must leave you now because my opera is calling me. - Remember me to your brother, nephew, Ottavio, and all of our friends, in particular the Ninfo family, Peranna, Gallo, and the nuns. My fond regards to Vergani and to my cousin Bellini if he is still there, and believe me always
Your most affectionate Friend
A million cordial greetings to our good friend Monteleone, and tell him to remember me to all of his family. -
à Monsieur
Monsieur Philippe Santocanale
à Palerme
postmark ven | -31 gen.° 1833