Milano, 5 novembre 1832
Milano, 5: novembre 32:
Vi farà meraviglia, mi darete del matto; ma il fatto è fatto, e spero che ne avremo delle felici conseguenze: si è cambiato l’argomento, e scriveremo Beatrice di Tenda. A stento ho persuaso
V‹ost›ro affsmo A‹mic›o
à Madame
Madame Iudith Pasta
à Como
t.p. mil.o nov.e | 6 - como. nov | […]
Milan, 5 November 1832
Vincenzo Bellini to Giuditta Pasta. Letter.
Aut. I-Mts, CA 5203. One bifolio, one side plus address and seal in red wax on the verso.
Ed. Ferranti Giulini, Giuditta Pasta e i suoi tempi cit., p. 151; Cambi 1943, p. 326; Neri 2005, pp. 239-240.
Milan, 5 November 32
My illustrious friend
This will astonish you and you'll think I'm mad; but what's done is done, with what I hope will be fortunate consequences: the subject has been changed and we're writing Beatrice di Tenda instead. It was difficult to persuade Romani but I managed to do so, having made him understand how little time was left after the muddle he'd begun with Cristina. I'm extremely happy now with such a thoroughly interesting subject, knowing also how much you like it, as you told me that evening you saw the ballet; and given that the last scene of the story is very similar to the conclusion of Schiller's Maria Stuart, which you find so attractive for the potential it offers to an artist of your caliber, Romani can follow it perfectly. He'll manage things such that the dramatic situations in no way resemble anything in Anna Bolena, and his enthusiasm is sincere — as I hope is his desire to complete at least the first act for me quickly. - My cordial salutations to you and your mother, and believe me
Your most affectionate Friend
à Madame
Madame Iudith Pasta
à Como
postmark mil.° nov.e | 6 - como. nov | [...]